The Worlds Leading Designers of High Quality Handmade Footbags & Juggling Balls

Please note that World Footbag and Flying Clipper have joined forces. 

All orders placed on this website will ship from the World Footbag warehouse in Steamboat Springs CO.

Please note that World Footbag and Flying Clipper have joined forces. 

All orders placed on this website will ship from the World Footbag warehouse in Steamboat Springs CO.


Hand-made, sand filled footbags will have a tendency to lose sand over time. Refilling a sand filled footbag is easy and can be done in minutes with a "scratch awl" (e.g., blunt, tapered instrument used for piercing wood or leather). Carefully ease the awl into a seam between a stitch creating a small opening to add sand. Add your sand and then to close the hole, simply roll the footbag between your hands to again pull the stitches uniformly throughout the entire footbag.
Another tip to try for sand filled footbags is to use a small amount of mink oil after your footbag has been wet and then dried. The mink oil will help the suede stay "brushed up" which will help retain the sand inside.